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Release Date:
Dec 16, 2016

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Buy Fantasy Grounds - Mini-Dungeon #001: Buried Council Chambers (PFRPG)


About This Content

For 4-6 PCs Levels 2-3

Long ago these chambers served as a meeting place for dignitaries and politicians. Those responsible for maintaining the well-being of the people also held the hidden agenda of ensuring their own permanent and corrupt installment as overseers to the general populace. A cataclysmic event long ago buried these chambers deep underground, they have not been disturbed prior to the PCs finding the entrance in the ceiling.

Mini-Dungeons are small adventures for Pathfinder which are setting agnostic and are easily inserted anywhere in your campaign.

Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and the included Pathfinder Ruleset.
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